Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Big Decisions

    Hello Internet and welcome to our oh-so-exciting lives! I am Kodi, one of two fabulous posters on this blog; the other is my best friend Hudson.  Our blog is going to be filled with our tales of never-ending adventures and daring travels…but not quite yet. The first few months of posts are just going to be about getting ourselves out there and really opening up to the truth that is our lives. Scary right? It is sort of like walking into a large empty field alone—absolutely terrifying and intensely liberating at the same time.
    At this point in life we have both come to major crossroads full of big adult decisions that have to be made, so we thought why not document it?  In my case, I rarely ever have the guts to make a major decision completely on my own, only looking at my own needs in life. I tend to be the type of person who has to get input from everyone around me and then I get completely torn up because there is no possible way for me to make everyone happy. So, a few weeks ago I hit a big turning point in my life—I finally made a decision all for myself just focusing on what I want in life (I know that sounds pretty selfish, but this is a big deal for me).  Basically it came down to me continuing to live the life that my parents felt was best for me, or making the decision to take control of it and follow my dreams (pretty cheesy, I know).
    So to back up a little bit I am currently a freshman in college and am actually having a pretty good time. I’ve been able to take a ton of theatre classes and was cast in two productions as a freshman, which was absolutely incredible.  The more I was given the chance to perform and take amazing theatre courses, the more I came to realize that performance is my true passion in life and is what really makes me happy. As I jumped from performance to performance with barely any break I was eating it all up and completely loving my life. But then the performances ended and I was left just another college freshman taking gen-eds and watching Netflix regularly. Then it began to sink in that I wasn’t happy here. That all I really wanted to do was to throw myself whole-heartedly into a life of theatre, and I wasn’t going to be able to do that here. So I figured it couldn’t hurt to just look back longingly at drama schools that I had wistfully dreamed about in high school. Then as I was on the website of RADA looking at the Prospectus, it hit me. What was stopping me from applying and auditioning to my dream school? Nothing, I was completely free to do exactly what my heart desired. So I did my research and found out that I was the right age and was eligible to apply. Unfortunately I had this life-altering epiphany a few weeks too late as I had just missed all of the application deadlines. But if this was what I truly wanted out of life, is waiting one year really going to matter? So I made my decision. I am going to drama school. Maybe the one I have dreamed about for so many years, or maybe it’s next-door neighbor. But either way I am going to pursue my dreams because I fully believe that this is what I am meant to do and I can do this. Whether it is next year or the year after, it will happen. I have decided to create my own destiny and design a future for myself with the most happiness possible. I mean I am only going to live one life, why not live the one that I imagine each night in my dreams?


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