Sunday, March 29, 2015


Hello World! So butterflies have become a new very important part of my life. This may sound strange but the universe seems to be sending me some sort of sign, I'm just not sure what it is yet.

It all started when I was traveling in the U.K. with my mom.  We were at Blenheim Palace in the cafe and I could feel a panic attack coming on. I immediately tried to stop it by getting outside and doing deep breathing but soon the tears came streaming down my face and I was only able to take very shallow breaths. My mom and I found an empty butterfly garden and figured that would be a good place to sit and pull myself together. As we quietly wandered around, my mom saw a sign that said something to the effect of "Do not put butterflies in high stress situations. They will die." She then looked at me and very matter of factly said "you are a butterfly".  From that moment on I began noticing butterflies everywhere.

Once I got back home I figured it was a sign, so I decided to incorporate more butterflies into my daily life. I set a date to go to the mall with a good friend and look for butterfly hair accessories and such. Strangely enough, the first store we walked into had an entire wall of butterfly accessories, so naturally I bought a few of them.

About a week later, I was at Starbucks with my sister and they had just put out a whole row of butterfly cookies. And yes maybe I am reading into it because it's spring and that's the season that butterflies are usually associated with, but maybe the universe is telling me something too.

Then I went to go and see the new Cinderella film with a good friend of mine. If you haven't seen the film, there is a very strong butterfly presence in the movie. Cinderella always has a butterfly on her whether in her hair or on her dress. The entire time we were in the movie theater, my friend kept tapping my arm and expressing her disbelief.

So, who knows what the universe is trying to say. But, I'm just saying that sometimes it's worth being open to listening, because you never know what might come up.

Stay Awesome Guys,


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